Friday, May 26, 2006

Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State

I hope Allan Uthman is just getting carried away in this article, but in my times of despair I've often felt that this is where our country is headed.

Will we soon watch helplessly as King George is coronated?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Understanding Neo-Con

This Philip Slater article offers examples of how some words have been hijacked by the neocons.

Doublespeak, anyone?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Doctor's Office

Good article by Benjamin Brewer, M.D. on Single Payer Health Insurance! From the Wall Street Journal, no less!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Behavioral techniques in dietary treatment for obesity

This article has some pretty good weight loss tips I hadn't seen before.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

We're all in it together.

In this article by Paul Waldman, "The answer to the question, “What do progressives believe at their core?” is this: Progressives believe we’re all in it together."


How about this for the coming midterms?

Many Large Corporations Show Characteristics of Psychosis

Joel Bakan has really opened my eyes in this article. I'm horrified to discover that corporations seem to control so many aspects of our lives. And what does this do to our vote? How can we compete with Big Money for any legislator's attention? Faced with a choice between responding to us or to corporate campaign contributors, how many would have the integrity to resist seduction by corporations?

Beyond Hope

In this article from Derrick Jensen, an environmental activist, he makes observations that can be applied to most progressive issues as well.

He maintains that we should strive to banish our hope as well as fear. As Pema Chödrön said:
"Without giving up hope - that there's somewhere better to be, that there's someone better to be - we will never relax with where we are or who we are."

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Now I Know I Have Outrage Fatigue

In this article, Joel Bleifuss points out that progressives have been so angry for all six years of the Bush administration that we now find it difficult to summon up any indignation over even the most egregious offenses.