Saturday, August 26, 2006

Taking a Break (sort of)

I think I've burned out on this blog. I can't keep up with politics like I could actually seems to be increasing my anxiety level and sense of helplessness. I'll still be posting as I find things that appeal to me, they're just likely to be few and far between.

Besides that, I don't get the visitors I'd hoped. Hard to write for next to no audience, even if I am a motormouth. LOL

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Public Stoning: Not Just for the Taliban Anymore

Sometimes I don't know why I keep reading newsfeeds. So many only upset me. I don't know what kind of numbers are involved, so I don't want to overreact, but I've heard this kind of stuff before and it scares the shit out of me.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Further confusion as to how men are supposed to act.

So "real men" don't cry anymore? I have no idea how I'm supposed to act towards women now. I guess I'll just follow my admittedly dinosaur instincts and hope I don't get berated.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Ketamine for Depression

This is good news! An extremely rapid acting antidepressant medication reported by NIH to fill in during the usual six to eight week delay before traditional antidepressants begin to work.

The only problem I can see is the potential for abuse for this popular street drug. I'm still excited though. Six weeks (six hours) is too long to wait to begin to have hope restored with the perception of life as full of possibilities rather than obstacles.

Criminal Administration

I applaud John Conyers and his staff for preparing this document on the crimes committed by the Bush administration. I am saddened that these egregious violations are permitted to continue and/or go unpunished. There is no democracy where the rule of law is not enforced for the select few.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Jewish Magazine Calls For Peace

Congratulations to Rabbi Michael Lerner for leading the movement to publish this ad. He also wants to publish the same ad in Israeli and Lebanese papers and requires more financial support to do so.

In the Supermarket Line

This article is right on in my opinion, but fails to cover how I can go through the lines to briefly avoid living my own life by living through the lives of celebrities.

What could be more important?